Claire The Moxie Coach seven

I'm Claire Certified coach, Projector & rebel

Flower -VSCO

Based in nottingham, but working worldwide.
I’m a quiet rebel Pursuing my Wildest dreams of being myself, exactly as I am.

All of our lives we’ve been told to be the good girl, to fit in at all costs. to hide the bits of us society might not like. 

To be perfect, to look and act a certain way. To follow the rules. 

Not anymore. It’s time to be a quiet rebel. To be yourself exactly as you are. 

To show up as ourselves and come back to who we are, who we REALLY are. 

It’s time to believe what and who we are is better than ok.

Let’s talk about the things we think are weird.

Let’s talk about how hard it is to be a business owner, a woman a human in this world. 

Let’s share openly about our health, especially our mental health. 

Let’s be the us that might be a bit too much.

And let’s support each other, there’s room for everyone, exactly as they are. 

Our mission: to be exactly who we are

The Moxie Coach clock

The Moment that changed everything, and I found my inner rebel

“Being ourselves is a quiet form of activism.”

I saw this and knew to be unstoppable I had to come back to who I was at my core. I had to work on my sense of self and invest time in my own well-being. 

Hiding ourselves both on and offline leads us to not trust ourselves.







More than just a Quick Fix

I will work with you to find the answers and share tools to help you find a path unique to you.

I won’t give you all the answers and send you on your way. 

Transformation at the core

I will assist you in making big changes and working towards your dreams. 

I won’t promise you unachievable results or give you false hope.

Unique approach

I will work at your pace, listening to your needs and ensuring you get what you need when you need it.

I won’t use a one size fits all approach. 

We May be a Match If you're looking for…

I’m a coach that listens and holds space for you to delve deep and really get curious about what’s going on.

One that understands which tools will help you on your journey and uses questioning to help you get you there faster.

A coach who believes in you and knows you have all the answers, one who won’t tell you what to do but who will help you trust your own instincts. 


Take the Quiz

My Guilty Pleasure

Binge watching crime drama

Secret talent


Fave Travel Experience

Living in Malaysia

Usually Craving

Courses and learning new things

Favourite Book

I Feel Bad About my Neck by Nora Ephron

Can’t Live Without

Self development books 

human design type


Something Unexpected

I’m an Executive VA as well as a coach

Let’s Chat

If you like what you’ve read and want to chat you can click the button to contact me or book a discovery call. I hope to hear from you.

Claire x